Fotografia de portret primavara
Va spuneam intr-o postare trecuta, aici pe blog, ca am facut un calendar al florilor astfel incat sa nu le ratam atunci cand sunt in plin sezon. Ne ajuta atunci cand vrem sa organizam o sedinta foto de primavara sau pur si simpu cand vrem sa avem pozele de Instagram updatate.
Fotografia de portret primavara se realizeaza relativ usor, singura recuzita mai mult decat necesara fiind oferita de insasi natura.
De aceea, in ziua cu pricina, am verificat calendarul si am decis sa mergem catre magnolia gigant din parcul Circului. La ora la care am ajuns soarele era inca destul de puternic si aglomeratia la coada la poze destul de mare dar am razbit.
In ciuda “marii adunari” de la “pomul laudat”, sedinta foto de primavara nu fusese compromisa. Ba din contra. Arbustii sau pomisorii galbeni (Forsythia) care nu erau in program au primit o sansa. Se potriveau atat de bine cu buchetul de narcise galbene! Lumina a fost perfecta atunci cand am ajuns in dreptul lor. Au facut chiar si un pic de magie cu lentila obiectivului. Multe dintre poze au prins un flare frumos.
Catre iesire ne-au intampinat si un grup de zarzari tarzii, cu florile cam pe ultima suta de metri. Cele din urma raze ale zilei strabateau insa frumos printre crengi. Faceti cunostinta cu ei in ultimul calup de poze al sedintei foto de primavara.
Nici nu mai amintim ca trebuia sa fie o sedinta foto dedicata exclusiv maiestuoasei magnolii. In loc de un decor ne-am ales cu trei.
Daca intreaba cineva, rochia e de la Massimo Dutti. 🙂
Am pornit cu un plan si niste asteptari, dar ne-am reconfigurat pe parcurs! Daca am fi intrebati de un fotograf incepator care e sfatul numarul 1 pe care l-am putea da; acela ar fi ca in fotografie trebuie sa te adaptezi din mers. Contextele pot fi de multe ori diferite, la fel si lumina, decorul poate suferi modificari fara ca tu sa stii despre asta. Versatilitatea si adaptabilitatea sunt insa de baza! Daca e lumina buna, restul se regandeste si reconfigureaza. Fie vorba intre noi, cateodata trebuie sa faci minuni chiar si fara lumina buna.
Ce credeti, merita sa planificati o sedinta foto primavara? Daca va plac florile, natura in intregul ei si sa fiti pozati, fotografia de portret primavara este ceva ce vi se potriveste cu siguranta. Vremea este de multe ori capricioasa in aceasta perioada, dar daca prindeti momentul potrivit, o tufa de magnolie sau un grup de arbusti Forsythia vor fi decorul perfect pentru o sedinta foto de primavara.
We were saying in one of the last post, here on the blog, that we’ve created a photo session flower calendar so we wouldn’t miss any flower while they are in full bloom. For example, it helps us when we want to organize a spring photo session or simply when we want to have the Instagram pictures updated.
Spring portrait photography can be obtained really easy, the only props, and by this we mean the only ones that we need, is the nature itself.
Therefore, in the right day, we checked the calendar and decided to go to the giant magnolia tree at the Circus Park. At the time we arrived, the sun was still quite strong and the crowd near the tree rather large but we survived.
Despite the “great gathering” from the “praised tree”, the spring photo session was not compromised. On the contrary. The bushes or the little yellow trees (Forsythia) which were not included in our program, received a chance. They fitted so well the yellow daffodil bouquet! The light was perfect when we reached them. It even did a little magic with the lens of the camera. Many of the pictures got a beautiful flare.
On our way out, a group of late wax cherries came to meet us. The last rays of the day sneaked beautifully through their branches. You can meet them also in the last part of this spring photo session.
We don’t want to be reminded that this photo session was supposed to be exclusively dedicated to the majestic magnolia tree. Instead of a decor we received three.
If anyone asks, the dress is from Massimo Dutti. 🙂
As we said, we started with a plan and some expectations, but we reconfigured it along the way! If we would be asked by a beginner photographer, which is the number one advice we could give; it would be that as a photographer you have to adapt on the go. Contexts can often be different, the light is not always the same, the decor can undergo changes without you knowing about it. Versatility and adaptability are, however, the foundation! If there is good light, the rest is rethinking and reconfiguring. And between us, sometimes you have to create magic even without good light.
What do you think is it worth planning a spring photo shoot? If you love flowers, nature itself and to be photographed, the spring portrait photography is something that suits you for sure. Weather is often changing at this time of the year, but if you catch the right time, a magnolia tree or a group of Forsythia bushes will be the perfect setting for a spring photo shoot.
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