Calendarul fotografiilor cu flori
Ce este calendarul fotografiilor cu flori? De ce ne-am gandit la acest calendar ? In primul rand pentru ca l-am gasit folositor noua si ne-am dat seama ca e foarte probabil sa fie folositor si celorlalti! E util si pentru ca unele flori tin foarte putin sau au un ciclu foarte strict. Astfel, le puteti rata la mustata. In plus, cu totii suntem aglomerati si agitati mai mereu si fix cand ne dorim o sedinta foto in lavanda mov descoperim ca tocmai a fost culeasa. Un pic de planificare si organizare n-a facut rau nimanui. Unde mai puneti ca un lan de lavanda, o livada de ciresi sau un camp cu maci sunt o adevarata terapie. Nici nu mai amintim ca va vor face toate pozele instagramabile! O selectie de astfel de fotografii cu flori gasiti si aici .
Exact in aceasta saptamana este momentul de varf pentru sedintele foto cu florile de cires roz. Horia, Andra si Alex au fost “boost-ul” pentru a scrie despre acest calendar. Tocmai de aceea inauguram calendarul fotografiilor cu flori cu o sedinta de familie. Andra si Alex sunt un munte de calm, iubire si rabdare. Horia? Un copil dulce care rade mult. Nici nu ar fi putut fi altfel cu astflel de parinti.”Guest star-uri”? Florile de cires roz japonez. Florile roz infloresc la maxim, de obicei, in saptamana 10-15 aprilie. Inainte de perioada aceasta multe dintre florile de cires sunt doar imbobocite. Astfel, crengile copacilor nu par asa pufoase si pline de roz. In curand, in sectiunea de blog veti gasi sedinta foto de la ciresii albi si cea de la magnolii.
- 16-23 martie – Zona Magnoliilor din Parcul Morarilor Bucuresti (minilivada cu magnolii de inaltime medie), intrarea din Soseaua Pantelimon nr. 326 (anul trecut, in 2018 la 12 aprilie inca erau flori si am facut fotografiile cu iepurasii si costumul popular, anul acesta erau scuturate total la 12 aprilie).
- 16-23 martie – Magnolie la intrarea in Facultatea de Drept, Bucuresti.
- 25 martie – 1 aprilie – Ciresii albi – Gradina Japoneza Bucuresti.
- 25 martie – 1 aprilie – Magnolie roz Parcul Circului.
- 10-15 aprilie – Ciresii roz– Gradina Japoneza Bucuresti .
- aprilie – mai – florile de rapita, marea de galben este usor de observat pe Autostrada Soarelui sau pe drumurile de langa orase unde sunt culturi agricole.
- mai – florile de maci sau marea de rosu, de aceasta data, poata fi gasita usor pe drumul vechi catre Marea Neagra (in dreptul localitatii Valu lui Traian de exemplu), pe autostrada Soarelui si in localitatile de langa aceasta si chiar in localitatea Corbu din Dobrogea; mai aproape de Bucuresti, in dreptul localitatii Paulesti exista un camp de maci frumosi cu ceva timp in urma.
- final de mai – inceput de iunie – florile de lavanda, aici discutia e mai ampla, plantatiile de acest fel s-au extins foarte mult in intreaga Romanie, exista cateva si in Bulgaria, foarte aproape de granita cu Romania si chiar in Ungaria, noi vom posta o sedinta foto intr-un camp cu lavanda din Anglia. In Romania exista urmatoarele plantatii: Lavanda Art outique(lavandadecluj.ro) – Finisel, Cluj ; Lavanda di Maria – Tarnaveni, Mures; Lavanda Lola, Asociatia produs de Cluj – Bontida, Cluj; Lavanda de Romania – Pischia, Timis; Levantica.com – Macin, Tulcea; Lavanda Prahova – Ploiesti ; Gradina de Lavanda – Tiparesti, Prahova; Buticul cu Lavanda – Contesti, Dambovita; Lavanda Bunicii – Saelele, Teleorman ; Cerdacul cu lavanda – comuna Creaca – sat Brebi, Salaj; Cosul cu Lavanda, Fetindia, Salaj. In Bulgaria, regiunea apropiata de granita este intre Goruna si Shabla, o alta zona apropiata este cea de la Tyulenovo si apoi Kavarna , mai indepartate sunt Burgas si Nessebar.
- sfarsitul lunii iunie – inceputul lunii iulie – floarea soarelui, de asemenea in campurile agricole de langa oras.
- final de august – Podgorie, nu e neaparat o floare dar verdele frunzelor si strugurii copti sunt un loc minunat pentru fotografii in aer liber, am facut astfel de fotografii in podgoria de la Clasia Vlasia, in Snagov si in cea de la Seven Generations Winery din Bulgaria.
Aceasta a fost calatoria noastra, alaturi de calendarul fotografiilor cu flori, printre lanuri de lavanda, maci si floarea soarelui. Adevarate terapii pentru ochi si suflet. Si ce alte combinatie mai reusita decat cea a florilor cu fotografia? Ne dorim ca Horia, Andra si Alex sa fie gazde bune prin livada de ciresi roz din Gradina Japoneza!
Doua randuri mai jos am pregatit si un adevarat calendar al sedintelor foto cu flori, mai usor de urmarit si de pastrat decat cel detaliat de mai sus si va spunem ca il puteti salva si folosi la nevoie! 🙂
Cu drag,
Corina si Robert
EN: What is the calendar of photos with flowers? Why did we think about this calendar? First of all because we found it useful for ourselves and we realized that it is very likely to be useful to others too! It is also useful because some flowers have little life or have a very strict cycle. Thus, you can miss them very easily. In addition, we are all very crowded and agitated and more when we want a photo session in a purple lavender field we discover that it has just been picked by the farmers. A little planning and organization did not hurt anyone. Not to say that a lavender, a cherry orchard or a poppy field are a real therapy. We do not even mention that they will bring you thousands of instagrammable pictures! A selection of such floral photos can also be found here.
Exactly this week is the highlight period of pink cherry blossoms. Horia, Andra and Alex were the “boost” to write about this calendar. That’s why we’re inaugurated the calendar of flowers with a family session. Andra and Alex are a mountain of calm, love and patience. Horia? A sweet baby who laughs a lot. It could not have been different with such parents. “Guest stars”? Japanese pink cherry blossoms. Pink flowers bloom to the maximum, usually between 10th-15th of April. Before this time, many of the cherry blossoms are not fully bloomed. Thus, tree branches do not look so fluffy and full of pink. Soon, in the blog section you will find the photo sessions at the white cherry trees and at the magnolias.
- 16th-23rd of March – Magnolia area of Morarilor Park Bucharest (miniorchard with medium height magnolias), entrance in the park from Soseaua Pantelimon no. 326 (last year, in 2018 on 12th of April there were still flowers and I took photos with the bunnies and the popular costume, this year they were completely shaken on April 12).
- 16th-23rd of March – Magnolia tree at the entrance of the Law Faculty, Bucharest.
- 25th of March – 1st of April – White Cherry trees – Japanese Garden Bucharest.
- 25th of March – 1st of April – Pink Magnolia at the Circus Park
- 10-15th of April – Pink Cherry trees – Japanese Garden Bucharest.
- April to May – Canola flowers, the yellow sea is easy to see in the fields near Sun Highway in Romania or on the roads near the cities where there are fields with crops.
- May – the blossoms of the poppies or the red sea, this time, can easily be found on the old road to the Black Sea (near Valu lui Traian, for example), in the fields near Sun Highway and even in Corbu area in Dobrogea; closer to Bucharest, near Paulesti there was a beautiful field of poppies some time back.
- Final of May – beginning of June – lavender fields, here the discussion is more complex, the plantations of this kind have extended a lot in the whole Romania, there are a few in Bulgaria, very close to the border with Romania and even in Hungary, we will also post soon a photo shoot session in a lavender field in England. In Romania, you can find the following plantations: Lavanda Art outique(lavandadecluj.ro) – Finisel, Cluj county ; Lavanda di Maria – Tarnaveni, Mures county; Lavanda Lola, Asociatia produs de Cluj – Bontida, Cluj county; Lavanda de Romania – Pischia, Timis county; Levantica.com – Macin, Tulcea county; Lavanda Prahova – Ploiesti, Prahova county ; Gradina de Lavanda – Tiparesti, Prahova county; Buticul cu Lavanda – Contesti, Dambovita county; Lavanda Bunicii – Saelele, Teleorman county; Cerdacul cu lavanda – comuna Creaca – sat Brebi, Salaj county; Cosul cu Lavanda, Fetindia, Salaj county. In Bulgaria, the region near the border is between Gorun and Shabla, another nearby area is Tyulenovo and then Kavarna, more far are Burgas and Nessebar.
- The end of June – beginning of July – Sunflower fields, also in the agricultural fields near the city.
- Final of August – The vineyard, this is not necessarily a flower, but the green leaves and the violet grapes are a great landscape for outdoor photography, we made such photos in the vineyard of Clasia Vlasia, in Snagov and the one from Seven Generations Winery in Bulgaria.
This was our journey, the journey of flowery photo sessions, through lavender, poppy and sunflower fields. True therapy for eye and soul. And what better combination than flowers and photo sessions? We hope Horia, Andra and Alex will be good hosts in the pink cherry orchard of the Japanese Garden in Herastrau Park, Bucharest!
At the beginning of the English version we have prepared for you an image calendar of flowery photo sessions and we are glad to say that you can save it and use it when needed! It is easier to keep in this version and access it as many times you want.
Corina and Robert
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